Job 26:4 “To whom hast thou uttered words? and whose spirit came from thee?”

The story is told of a young preacher who proudly proclaimed to an older preacher, “I’m going to be original or nothing!” By that, he meant he was going to be his own man and be unlike any preacher before him. The old preacher later said that the young preacher was both-original and nothing!

The truth is, we all speak from experience and from what we have heard. There is truly “nothing new under the sun.” But notice this morning’s verse from Job 26: “And whose spirit came from thee?” When you speak to somebody, you are speaking from somebody as well. Have you ever said of another person, “That sounds like so-and-so”? We all speak from somebody, but Job reminds us that we also speak for somebody, too.

Who are you speaking for today? You can 1) speak for yourself; or you can 2) ask God’s Spirit to speak through you. Job mentioned people “without power,” with “no strength” and “no wisdom.” (Job 26:2-3) You are just a man or woman without power, but God is supremely powerful. Read the rest of chapter 26 and you will see God’s power vividly described. And verse 14 says of the previous verses, “Lo, these are parts of his ways. . . .” What a difference it makes whom we speak for!

You will be called on to give help . . . whose spirit will come from you? You always speak to somebody, for somebody, and from somebody. Speaking from “me” will help nobody-I am as weak as the next person. But speaking for the God of Heaven can and will make a difference!

Camp Quotes:
“The world doesn’t respect your talk; they respect how you walk.”
-Evangelist John Goetsch

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