Isaiah 51:12 I, even I, am he that comforteth you: who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die, and of the son of man which shall be made as grass.

Who are You to be Afraid?

Any person with a healthy sense of his own unworthiness may at times feel as if he has no claim on God’s comfort, help, provision, or grace. But God’s grace is not about who we are; it is about Who God is. It is not about what we can do; it is about trusting God for what He is able to do and submitting to Him for what He wishes to do.

In Isaiah 51, the prophet is addressing the people of Jerusalem who were fearful of their enemy Assyria. Oddly enough, they did not fear God Who is the only One they should have been in awe of. In verse 12 God says, “I, even I, am he that comforteth you: who art thou, that thou shouldst be afraid of a man that shall die, and the son of man which shall be made as grass?” God is saying, “What right do you have to be fearful when I am the One Who comforts you? The men that you fear are very temporary, but I am eternal.” When God is the One Who comforts, who are you to be afraid?

In verses 1-2 we are reminded that God made a nation of a barren couple. Even after Abraham and Sarah doubted God’s will and God’s way, He made of them a great nation. When God says something, it is so. That is power. Who are you to fear?

God makes the rules. Verses 7-8 remind us that the eternal God has given His will and laws. God’s truth endures from generation to generation. Who are you to fear?

Verses 10 and 15 remind us that God made a way for the Israelite slaves as they came out of Egypt, and God made a wall to the Egyptians who were chasing them. Who are you to fear?

It is presumptuous to live in lack of what of God wishes to provide. It is rebellion to worry about our own efforts when we should be trusting in God’s power. I have no right to be fearful when God gives courage. I have no right to be doubtful when God gives confidence. I have no right to be discontent when God gives contentment. I have no right to live in lack when God is the One Who provides.

God does not want us to live a life completely without problems or needs, for these are the very things that turn our focus to Him. He also does not want us to live as if we are without help and hope when He is good, He is God, and He knows our need.

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