Proverbs 13:20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise; but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Who Are You Walking With?

In 1987, President Reagan was with Canada’s Prime Minister Brian Mulroney at a hanger in Ottawa, Canada awaiting the arrival of the motorcade carrying their wives. When the motorcade arrived and Mrs. Reagan and Mrs. Mulroney got out President Reagan threw his arm around Prime Minister Mulroney, smiled broadly, and said, “You know, Brian, for two Irishmen we sure married up.”

That’s a wonderful sentiment to have, and there’s no doubting the fact that the people with which we surround ourselves is vitally important. Proverbs 13:20 says, “He that walketh with wise men, shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” There’s a basic law of nature that you will be like the people with whom you surround yourself. You will go with and end up at the same destination as those who surround you.

Years ago, when a young person would be in a lot of trouble at camp, my grandfather, Bill Rice, would often say, “You know, I can write that young man’s story.” What he meant was that he had seen this same story with different faces and names before. There was a certain amount of predictability about it because certain courses always end up at the same destination.

Now, I do need to be honest about the nature of my relationships with people and who they are. I should always be learning from some people, I should always be helping others, and I should always be aware which of the two I’m doing. People are important. They are the most important thing in the world because they are those for whom Jesus Christ died. And the kind of people we surround ourselves with is vitally important. If you want to know what kind of path you’re on, observe the people who are on it with you.

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