Leviticus 18:30 “Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.”

Who Defines Right or Wrong?

Fire is an amazing and powerful element. I have enjoyed the warmth and glow of a camp fire, but I have also seen that same element engulf and completely destroy a million-dollar structure. Fire can destroy in mere moments the things that take great time and effort to construct!

The same is true of so many elements in God’s world, even the gifts that God gives us. The Bible tells us in I Timothy 6 that God has given us “richly all things to enjoy.” The Devil can only counterfeit what God has wonderfully created.

God gives food; the Devil gluttony. God gives marriage; the Devil gives adultery, fornication, and a host of other deviations from God’s standard. The same thing that is honorable in marriage (Hebrews 13:4) is judged by God when taken in rebellion apart from God’s terms.

Leviticus chapter 18 is dedicated to God’s standard for man’s morals. The chapter begins and ends with “I am the LORD your God.” That is the basis upon which we live our lives. My life should reflect who God is.

Your relationship with God should purify and dictate to your relationship with everyone else. The authority for right and wrong in life is not the culture in which I live; it is what God has said and established. A man destroys himself by abusing the gift with which God intended to bless. Rebellion against God’s standard is “wickedness,” “abomination,” and “confusion.”

Something is neither right nor wrong because of how I feel about it; something is wicked because it is against God. Something is not wrong simply because it repulses me; it is not right simply because it tempts me. The absolute standard for right and wrong rests with God. There is no way to enjoy life to the fullest outside of His design!

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