Deuteronomy 8:3 “And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.”

Deuteronomy 8 was a watershed event for the children of Israel. They were on the verge of entering a land that they did not know nor deserve. In this chapter Moses reminds the people of what God had done. Words like “prove thee,” “humble thee,” and “suffered thee to hunger” are not encouraging or fun words-but that was exactly what God had done. God was the One who allowed them to become hungry, thirsty, and slaves in Egypt. And this was all for a purpose-God intentionally allowed them to experience all these things to teach them the truth that “man doth not live by bread only.”

God reminds them of how undeserving they were of the land. In verses 15-16, He recounts His leading them through a dangerous and scary wilderness, providing water from a rock, and feeding them with manna “to do thee good at thy latter end.” There was no excuse for pride in Israel because they were living in houses they did not build and did not acquire by their own power! They were not to forget that God did all of this.

How transparently similar are we to the children of Israel! When times are good, we do not look to God nor trust Him for what we need. Just like the children of Israel were reminded that God was aware and allowed them to suffer need, we ought remember that God has not changed. He is aware of what is happening in our lives, and He is the One who allows health, family, and physical needs.

The purpose of God doing this in our lives is that we might depend on Him. People without problems don’t pray-but a man in need will ask God for what he needs! I recently met a man with cancer who wanted to pray with me after the service. He was concerned that he might not be here the next time we hold meetings at his church. Is cancer a good thing? No, it is not. I may not know all the reasons this man has cancer, but I do know that since he realized his need, he is asking the Lord for what he needs and trusting Him like never before.

God allows needs so that we will trust Him. When an important election is dead even, we are more apt to trust Him than if it is a landslide. When the economy is poor, we seem to trust God each day for our family’s needs. Be reminded today that God is good, and He allows us to need so that we will trust Him fully. May God help us to do just that.

Prayer Requests:

1. Revival services tonight in Boswell, PA; Davenport, IA; and Turner, ME

2. Bill Rice Ranch Deaf Rally in West Bend, WI this weekend (4/18)

3. Praise–We are thankful for God’s protection of the Ranch facilities and staff during recent storms. The Ranch was unharmed by the tornadoes that hit Murfreesboro. Please continue to pray for the people near us who were affected by the storms.

For more information about the Bill Rice Ranch visit our website:
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