Revelation 4:8 And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.

Who Holds Our Future?

Every time Apple in Cupertino, CA has a roll out of their new products, the world takes note. Now whether you love or hate Apple, it is amazing where technology has gone and is going in this modern day. In fact, I have often wondered how I would describe the tools that we take for granted today to people in my family who lived 40 years ago. Even our vocabulary to describe such things has progressed as the technology itself has progressed.

When we look at the book of Revelation, God reveals what has been, what is, and what will be. Many times when we think about the future and particularly when we read Revelation, we get so caught up in details and pictures that seem outlandish to us that we forget the big picture.  There is a magnificent and unlimited God Who is in control and sits on the throne of the universe.

No matter what is happening in Cupertino, CA, the former Soviet bloc countries, or the Middle East, our future hinges on the attributes of God and not primarily the evils or “virtues” of men. Man has always been evil and has always needed God, but God has always been Who God is. He is holy. He is right. When the world seems to be going haywire, there is a God in Heaven Who is right.

Also, He is almighty. That means all might flows from Him. He is holy, right, almighty. He can do right and has the power to do right.

Finally, He was, and is, and is to come. Verse 9 says that He liveth forever and ever. He is eternal. He is right, He does right, and He will do right. What should our response to God’s attributes be? It should be the same as the elders in Heaven who fell down and worshipped Him, casting their crowns before the throne saying, “Thou art worthy, O Lord.”

Today, instead of being caught up in the news, technology, and speculation of what will be and what has been, let your mind be settled on the God Who does not change. He is Holy, right, almighty, and eternal. We can put our rest in Him.

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