I Samuel 2:11-12 “And Elkanah went to Ramah to this house. And the child did minister unto the LORD before Eli the priest. Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial; they knew not the LORD.”

History records the story of President Lyndon B. Johnson walking across the White House lawn towards Marine One (the Presidential helicopter). Incidentally, he was heading toward the wrong helicopter. A sheepish, young Secret Service agent intercepted the President and said, “Mr. President, you are going to the wrong helicopter! That’s not your helicopter; your helicopter is over here.” President Johnson reportedly replied, “Son, they’re all my helicopters.”

The President is entrusted with a great deal of responsibility, and there are many privileges that come with the position. Ultimately, the President may view the resources at his disposal as belonging to him; or he may recognize them to be a stewardship entrusted to him by the American people. As a Christian, you have a stewardship far greater than the presidency-the stewardship that God has given you. This stewardship is greater because God Almighty is the Source! So what do you consider yours, and what do you consider God’s?

How you treat what you have depends on who you think owns it. In I Samuel 2, we find someone who viewed what they had as a stewardship of God. We also find others who viewed what they had as an entitlement. Verses 11 and 12 tell us that Samuel “did minister unto the LORD before Eli the priest,” but Eli’s sons “were sons of Belial; they knew not the LORD.” What a contrast! Samuel belonged to God and was dedicated to serve. His mother realized that even a child is a stewardship given by God. Likewise, Samuel viewed his service to God as a stewardship and not an entitlement.

On the other hand, the sons of Eli were born to a position and job. They saw their priestly service as an entitlement and took advantage of their position (verses 15-17). The Bible says that “the sin of the young men was very great before the LORD: for men abhorred the offering of the LORD.” They lightly esteemed the stewardship that God had given them.

What do you own? What do you own that you think God does not own? The truth is, God owns everything! Recognize that what you have is not an entitlement or a right. Instead, see what you have as a stewardship from the hand of God. Samuel realized this truth, and may God help us do the same in our lives today.

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