Genesis 14:22 “And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lift up mine hand unto the LORD, the most high God, the possessor of heaven and earth.”

Who Owns What?

There is a big difference between putting your hand out and putting your hand up. God Almighty is “the possessor of heaven and earth.” He is not about giving handouts. If God ever provides, it is always a hand-down. He is the most high, and we are most low! There is something wonderfully liberating about putting God in His position and knowing our position.

You will not trust God to provide anything until you acknowledge Him as the Possessor of everything. God doesn’t own fifty percent of what you have; He owns it all. So, if God owns everything, there is nothing for which you could ask that God does not give.

Consider Abram. A man with so much wealth and an army of trained servants did not have protection or gain the spoils of war in Genesis 14 because of himself or the king of Sodom. God told Abram, “I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward.” (Genesis 15:1) That also meant that God would give Abram an heir and a seed like the stars.

Who do you see as owning everything? No matter where you find yourself today, realize that God owns it all and can provide it all. There is nothing you need that God does not have, and there nothing you have that God does not give. God is the Great Possessor and the Great Provider. Abram trusted God, and so can you.

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