I’ve noticed something about families who enjoy a Family Week vacation here at the Ranch: they enjoy the week together! Perhaps that “togetherness” should always describe a family, but in a special and deliberate way, families are together during their week of camp.

Families here eat meals together. They attend services together. They have the time of their lives, in part, because they are doing it together as the institution God created them to be! They come as a family, stay as a family and leave, perhaps like never before, as a family.

Now, there are many different families here during a Family Week. Having all those families together produces great fellowship and exciting activities.   But at the end of the week, everyone goes home with their family, as a family.

Why wouldn’t this same camp concept of strengthening the institution God created work for churches, as well? I believe it does! That is why church groups come to the Ranch as a church, enjoy camp as a church and return home, like never before, as a church group.

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