Philippians 1:6 “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”

For some time, there was a vacant lot where a church was going to build a new auditorium. A big sign on the lot said, “Look what God is doing here!” I thought that was a great idea for a while, but eventually I was embarrassed for the Lord and these dear folks. After months of looking at the unkempt and overgrown lot with no noticeable progress, one got the idea that God was not doing much there!

Sometimes I wonder if others would get the same idea if people had a sign like that over their heads that said, “Look what God is doing here!” Would your life be a testament to God’s working, or would your life be a little embarrassing by the lack of progress? The believers at Philippi were faced with the same question when Paul encourages them that “he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:”

You can live in confidence today by remembering that God has started a good work in you, and He will perform it until the Lord returns. You are a work in progress! It is true that God is still working on us all; no one has arrived! No matter how old you are or how much you are supposed to “have it together,” you are still a work in progress. God will complete what He started!

Since God is still at work, we should not despair about our own lives or the lives of those with whom we work. Isn’t it easy to be discouraged when working with kids or teens (or adults, for that matter)? Thank the Lord for opportunity you’ve been given, and get to work! There may be reasons to despair, but you can take comfort in the fact that God will finish what He started!

There is a work that you can have complete confidence in: God’s work. Today, others ought see the good work that God is performing in your life. So let’s get to work-God is!

Prayer Requests:
1. Services tonight in Kings Mills, OH; Centralia, IL; and Pittsburg, TX
2. BRR Deaf Rally in Benson, NC this weekend (11.20)

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