Isaiah 1:11 “To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the LORD: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.”

The book of Isaiah spans the reign of four kings of Judah. The problem we see in Isaiah 1 was repeated throughout Judah’s history; and we would do well to heed Judah’s example. The truth we learn from Isaiah 1 is that working without washing does not please God. In other words, working without being clean is not good.

Let me illustrate: have you ever been to a fast-food establishment, and the server who handed you your taco or hamburger had dirty hands? In almost every restaurant restroom, you will find a sign that says, “Employees MUST wash hands before returning to work.” Why go through the trouble of reminding employees to wash up? Because you and I would not want their food (no matter how tasty) if the hands that prepare and serve it are not clean! Working without being clean is not good–when it comes to food and when it comes to God.

The Lord compares Judah torebellious children in verse 2. He says they are like children who “bite the hand that feeds them.” That is never a good idea, whether you are talking about a horse and cowboy, child and parent, or a Christian and God.

He also likens them to a vacant house that has been occupied by murderers (verses 8, 21). I love coming back to the Ranch when I’ve been on the road; and I know the sights, smells, and sounds of my house. But it is almost as if the Lord is painting a picture of someone who leaves a house vacant, and the dilapidated shack is now a haven for wicked men. It is as if the Lord doesn’t even know the “house” anymore!

The Lord finally compares His people to an unfaithful spouse. Verse 21 says, “How is the faithful city become an harlot!…” How awful that the people of God had forsaken Him, like a spouse that forsakes faithfulness to his/her spouse!

Remember that these folks were busy, hard-working people who were bringing sacrifices to the Lord. Yet God calls their sacrifices “vain oblations” and “an abomination,” and He says, “I am full . . . I delight not. . . .” Even though the sacrifices were God’s idea, He did not (nor does He) want working without washing. Their hard work was empty and even detestable to a Holy God.

My wife is pleased when our kids are clean and obedient. Obedience is paramount, but clean runs a close second! In Isaiah 1, being clean is the same as being obedient. Are you working without a clean heart and pure hands before God and other people? Working without washing does not please God, and in part 2 we will look at God’s remedy.

Prayer Requests:
1. A word from Bro. Rice regarding a special project need this month
2. Deaf Rally this weekend in Arlington, TX
3. West Branch Men on the Move Conference this weekend in Williams, AZ
4. Ranch evangelists preaching this weekend in Peach Springs, AZ and Flagstaff, AZ

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