Romans 8:31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

Your Choice About Problems

Do you anticipate any problems today? I am not saying that you would wish for them, but how could anyone expect a day without having some problems? Problems are part of life, and most problems are found in the package of people. You may work with cars, paper, animals, or numbers, but none of these things give us as much anxiety as people problems do. People are by definition problems because all of us are by nature sinners, hence there is conflict. So, you have a choice today. Either you will wish for the absence of problems, or you will live in the presence of God, acknowledging Him.

In Romans 8, God speaks of the sacrifice of His Son and the ministry of His Spirit. The Bible even speaks of the Holy Spirit helping us with things as basic as prayer. We can’t even ask for help without help. Thankfully, God provides that help. God has given us His Son and His Spirit. So, you will either wish for the absence of problems, which is wishing against reality, or you will acknowledge the presence of God.

Romans 8:31 says, “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” Now if you give yourself 10 seconds to think about that question, you probably can think of many answers. Who can be against us? Well, a lot of people can be against us.

The truth is that no matter who may be against you today, if you are with God, then He is with you, and if He is with you, then we are more than conquerors. We are not conquerors because we have no problems. You cannot be a conqueror unless you have a problem to conquer. But we are conquerors because God is with us. We are not conquerors because we are great but because God is, and He has provided everything we need to do what He wishes.

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