I Chronicles 15:26  “And it came to pass, when God helped the Levites that bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD, that they offered seven bullocks and seven rams.”

At first glance, I Chronicles 15:26 does not look like an important verse; but I guarantee you that it was important to the Levites!  The Bible says that “God helped the Levites that bare the ark. . . .” The word help means “to surround, defend.”  God helped the Levites in a specific way-He surrounded them and protected them.  From what or whom did the Levites need protection?  Well, think about Uzza just a few chapters before!  Would you want to move the ark when the last guy died doing the same thing?  They needed protection from the judgment of God!


God can either be your greatest danger or your greatest defense.  Israel’s greatest danger in bringing the ark back was not the advice of friends or the assault of enemies.  Their greatest danger was God!  When they brought the ark back, there was a sense of thankfulness and praise.


So what is the upshot of all of this?  Whatever you are worrying about today, it is probably not God.  So much of our day is consumed with pressure from a boss, from coworkers, or from peers.  Your entire day can be shaped by what you think about what people think about you!  Instead of being consumed with what people think, be concerned with what God already knows about you.  Your greatest danger is not displeasing someone at work or school; your greatest danger is displeasing God Almighty!


There is no need to walk around your day with a complex and a fear of the doom and judgment of God.  I don’t know what will consume your time and attention this day.  The point is, frame all of your cares in light of who God is and what He can do.  Is God your greatest danger, or is He your greatest defense?





Camp Quotes…

“Unforgiveness always brings misery.”

-Evangelist Matt Downs


Prayer Requests:

1. Safety for groups traveling home tonight and tomorrow

2. Families and individuals traveling to camp this weekend


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