I Chronicles 1:10 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be mighty upon the earth.

Your Life Will be Remembered

We just finished two and a half days on the road driving out to West Branch of the Bill Rice Ranch in beautiful Williams, Arizona. It’s a long drive through what many people would view as fly-by country. People drive through this country as quickly as possible to reach destinations like Grand Canyon or some other notable place. We often ignore the things we pass in order to get to the destination we are really after.

Likewise, many times people go through the Bible looking for the big picture, for something that arrests their attention or has great significance. So, when they get to the book of I Chronicles they often feel like they are on an endless road trip. The first nine chapters of I Chronicles are essentially a record of genealogy. The book begins with the word “Adam.” That should be a clue that you are going to have a long genealogy because you cannot go back further in the family tree than Adam.

What is interesting is that we barely remember most of these people, but God remembers all of them. Because God knows you, God will remember you. God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. God is not the God of the dead but the living. God is real-time and knowledgeable about you and everyone who has ever lived all the way back to Adam. The question is, “What will everyone else remember you by?” No one else is God. God remembers, but what will anyone else remember? You may say, “Well, no one cares about me; no one will remember me.” The fact is that God has put you on this planet for a purpose and you will be remembered for something. All things being equal, you will be the one who determines what you will be remembered for.

You are not recorded in the Word of God; neither am I. You may scarcely be a verse long in the chronicles of your family history, but every day you are making decisions that matter. God knows and someone else will remember you for the actions you took and the life that you lived.

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