Luke 23:7 “And as soon as he knew that he belonged unto Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent him to Herod, who himself also was at Jerusalem at that time.”

Your Responsibility

Will Rice, my great-grandfather, was saved in 1887 in a little Baptist church in Texas. He was a cowboy, state senator, and a preacher. His sons became preachers, including my grandfather, Bill Rice. My dad is a preacher, and I am one, too! Do you think God is impressed with my preacher heritage? Do you think that God will cut me some slack because my great-grandfather was a preacher? No sir, not on your life!

My heritage is not insignificant; it is significant precisely because I am responsible for what I do with my heritage and what I do with the Lord Jesus. I am thankful for the fact of my Christian heritage and for the preachers in my family who have come before me, but I would be foolish to use either fact to evaluate my relationship to God.

Your relationship to Christ is a personal matter that is your responsibility, and you will be judged for how you judge Christ. In Luke 23, Pilate clearly said, “I find no fault in this man.” But he did not act on what he knew because he wanted to pass responsibility to someone else. The Bible says, “And as soon as he knew he belonged unto Herod’s jurisdiction, he sent him to Herod. . . .” Pilate found no fault in Christ, but he did not want to be responsible for Christ.

All of us are responsible for how we judge the Lord, how we follow the Lord, and how we know the Lord. God will judge me for how I have judged the Lord Jesus. Your relationship with the Lord Jesus is your responsibility.

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