II Thessalonians 3:9 “Not because we have not power, but to make ourselves an ensample unto you to follow us.”

Do you know your rights? “I know my rights!” is a phrase you often hear in our day. People can become so wrapped up in their rights that they fail to examine if something is actually right or wrong. You can actually do a lot of wrong things with your legal rights! The truth is, you can either follow your rights or you can lead by example. Those are your two choices, and you cannot do both at the same time.

Some Christians live with the phrase “chapter and verse” on the tip of their tongues. Whenever there is a question about application of Bible truth, the first thing on their minds and out of their mouths is, “Show me chapter and verse!” Of course, the Bible must be the authority for everything we believe and practice. However, a person with a sour attitude is not going to see the truth, even when you show them the chapter and verse. Forget Holy Spirit guidance, they just want a list of do’s and don’ts. That is a pretty shallow way to live!

You can follow your rights or you can lead by example. Always demanding your rights will not help you influence and help other people. When you follow your rights, you lose your right to be followed! You must decide to either be focused on your rights or to be focused on what will help others to follow the Lord. The best way to make sure others follow you is to do right yourself.

What is the governing ethic of the way you feel and think today? You may have the right to do something, but that doesn’t mean it is always right! Could everyone follow your lead? Remember, you can either follow your rights or you can lead by example and influence. May what is right rule your day instead of your rights.

Prayer Requests:
– Services tonight in Silver Springs, FL; Palatka, FL; and Murray, KY

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