Deuteronomy 3:27b-28 “For thou shalt not go over this Jordan. But charge Joshua, and encourage him, and strengthen him: for he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which thou shalt see.”

Your Vantage Point

Just a few weeks ago, I stood at Mather Point on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. I watched the ravens riding the currents like ships on an infinite ocean. The Grand Canyon is beyond imagination! It is one mile deep, and at Mather Point, it is approximately nine miles wide. From that spot, I could see trails that I have hiked myself over the years: Bright Angel Trail, Kaibab Trail, and a few trails across the Kaibab Plateau. I could see for miles and miles!

I can’t help but think of the Grand Canyon when I read Moses’ words in Deuteronomy chapter 3. He wouldn’t be able to hike the paths into Canaan, but he would see them. Like my vantage point at Mather Point, Moses stood on top of Mount Pisgah and looked at the panorama before him.

Moses would not enter the Promised Land, but he would have great influence upon those who would. He would not lead the children of Israel into the land, but he would lead the man who would. Joshua served the same God that Moses did. God wanted Moses to extend his influence beyond his own lifetime by investing in people.

You will accomplish more when you extend your efforts beyond the needs and duration of your own life. There are some things that only you can see from your vantage point in life. You have a unique perspective, and you have more experience today, than you have ever had before. All of us should learn from life, and all of us should invest in people.

Instead of discouraging your children and the younger generation about the future you can see, why not encourage them about it? Instead of being distressed by things you won’t be around to change, why not use your vantage point to encourage and strengthen the people who will be around? Don’t leave those following you so dependent upon you that they cannot reach the place you can see from your vantage point.

Those who look to the future will do more significant work right now than they otherwise would. Invest in the future by investing in people. So, what does it look like from your vantage point today?

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